Cousin Daylen loved holding the baby. He sat and held her for a long time. It was so cute.
Anastyn did so great on the drive to and from St. George. We stayed with Ryan and Kristy, they have a sweet set-up in the basement that accomadated our family nicely. Anastyn slept in a crib for the first time during the weekend.
I just love this girl - 1 month old.
On Saturday Gordon went on a 100 mile bike ride. Kristy and I took our time getting ready in the morning, went shopping at Christensen's, then let the kids play at the splash park while we cheered Gordon on as he made it to the finish line. That night we went and saw the movie "Where the Wild Things Are," (much to our disappointment), after the movie we ordered Pizza and ate it at our friends, Kip and Amy's, house. Sunday we ate lunch and drove home. It was such a nice weekend. We really enjoyed ourselves, thanks Ryan and Kristy for letting us enjoy the weekend with you.
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