Yes I know I post way too often about my sweet little Anastyn, but this is my journal, and at the rate things are going, my scrapbook also! So here is the info on my babe. As of October 27th, she is 6 weeks old. She is getting fuller and fuller in the cheeks - my guess is she weighs 10 or 11 pounds! She still snacks, I feed her every 2 hours and she eats on one side for about 5 minutes - tops. I have been giving her the medication for reflux based on the lactation specialists opinion on her eating schedule and rapid weight gain, who knows if it's helping. She is wide awake at night from about 10:30 til at least midnight, sometimes even later. She sleeps until around 6:00 am, then wakes again between 8:00 and 9:00. If she wakes up before Taeya does I can usually get her to go back down again, if not I don't get much done in the morning!
She definitely likes the nuk binkis, thank goodness for my awesome friend Heather for making me so many coordinating binki chains!

Anastyn is very aware of her big sister, since she is constantly laying on her and talking to her. I wish Taeya was a little more helpful with Anastyn in the car. When Anastyn starts crying I will ask Taeya to put the binki in her mouth for her, and she will say "I'm too tired," or "I can't reach it," (she sits right next to her), sometimes she just flat out says "no." Every once in a while she will help out and it makes me smile!

She is starting to smile a little bit. Not always on cue, but each day she gets better.

Taeya always wants to hold her hand. She rips her little fingers open just to get her finger in there! She is always holding her hand in the car (maybe that's one of the reasons she can't help me with the binki).

Gordon is still so awesome with the girls. He comes home from work and takes over, which is so nice because by then my house is usually a disaster, and my back is killing me from holding one of the girls all day long! (This picture was taken on October 26th - Anastyn is 5 weeks and 6 days old, Taeya is 3 years, and 3 months old. Gordon and Anastyn are actually asleep but Taeya wanted to pretend for the picture).
Keep em coming! No such thing as too many Anastyn posts.
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