My baby is already 2 months old, I know I say this in every post, but I can't believe how fast time is going by. She is so much fun to have in our home. It's so fun now that she is smiling and so much more alert. I took her to her 2 month appointment yesterday and she is growing very nicely! She is 11 lbs. 9 oz (85th %), 23.2 inches (90th %) and her head circumference is 40 cm (85th %). I don't really understand how they do the percentages because I really don't think she has a big head! Oh-well, looks like we will have another tall girl.
Around 7-8 weeks she finally started giving us some really big smiles - so cute!

The past few nights she has been going to bed around 12:00 - 1:00 am, and sleeping until between 6:00 - 7:00 am, then going back to sleep for another 3 hours. It has been nice, now if we could only get her to go to sleep around 10:00 pm I would probably be feeling even better!
She still wants to snack - I feed her about every 2 hours. She only eats for 5-10 minutes so I don't complain too much! I have sparatically been giving her the reflux medicine. Not quite sure if she needs it...

I painted her nails for the first time last week and they made me smile. There is something about making my girls look really girly that just makes me happy!

She is generally a happy baby especially if I am holding her. (This picture was taken when she was 8 weeks old).

Me and Anastyn - 8 weeks old

Anastyn and Papa, all dressed up from being at church. We babysat the Tippetts family when Taeya was 6 weeks old while Brian and Amy went to Europe. They brought this adorable dress home for Taeya. I think it is so cute and I am so happy I get to use it again. (Anastyn is 6 weeks and 5 days old in this picture).
Haha AWWW her smile is SO cute!
Oh my...her SMILE! Cutie, cutie, cutie! Love her.
She is so sweet Brandalyn! She looks just like you.
She is so darling, I really want to meet her. I think she looks a ton like Taeya! Sorry we still haven't gotten together it has been a crazy few months, as soon as I get this kid out, we are meeting up for sure!
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