Christmas Eve was great this year. First we rode trax up to Temple Square to see the lights. It was fun to listen to the strangers comments when they noticed cute little Anastyn snuggled inside Gordon's coat. One lady even took her picture!

We ran out the door in such a hurry that we forgot Taeya's coat! Thank goodness she had decided to wear 2 long sleeve shirts, and 2 tank tops underneath her little sweater that night. I let her wear my scarf and she didn't seem to be cold. We all really enjoyed the beautiful lights and the nativity.
Then my Mom and Dad, and Ryan, Kristy, and Daylen came over to eat some yummy soup and play cards.
After cards Taeya and Daylen opened a few presents. Daylen was so nice to get Taeya a new Ariel barbie.
Taeya and Anastyn got some new snowman jammies.
Papa and Nana got Taeya this fun easel, which she loves, and Anastyn got the Snow White DVD and a toy.
After we got the girls to sleep we ended up staying up til 2:00 am getting last minute stuff done. Every year I try to get things done so I can actually enjoy the evening without thinking about the things I haven't done yet......I guess there is always next year!
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