Of course Christmas was fantastic and Taeya got way too much! We didn't wake up until 10:00 am, so we kindof got a slow start.
Taeya with all of our presents.

One of Anastyn's gifts was this warm little snowsuit. We thought it would come in handy this winter while we "play" outside. I think she is the cutest bear!

One of Taeya's favorite gifts was this "Strawberry Shortcake" house. I just can't believe Strawberry Shortcake has made a comeback. I was her for Halloween in Preschool.

The girls and their cute new jammies.

Gordon made Anastyn a rocking horse for Christmas - now I just need to paint it. So far Taeya has really enjoyed it!

Some more play-time. We had a hard time getting Taeya to go outside to see her final gift because she was having too much fun playing.

Taeya and her Barbie Jeep! She had the biggest smile on her face when she saw her new jeep, but when she got in it to drive she was afraid to press the gas pedal. Our driveway is slightly slopped and she has crashed a few times on her big wheel going down it - I think she was afraid she would crash her jeep. (Santa found this jeep on KSL, slightly used. Gordon was afraid she wouldn't really like it that much and didn't want it to be her only Christmas present.)

Maybe she was just cold because as soon as Gordon put the blanket on her she was ready to try it out.

Taeya's friend Brielle got a Jeep too, so the girls had to go "jeeping" Christmas afternoon. This is a picture of Gordon and Scott on Traffic Control!

Cute girls!

Before heading off the Grandpa and Grandma's house we took pictures of all of our gifts. Taeya got an easel from Papa and Nana, a Kareoke machine, some games, a barbie blowdryer, curling iron, and flat iron (to compensate for not getting "the hair cutter thing"), Strawberry Shortcake house, a new Christmas outfit, and a power wheels Barbie Jeep.

Anastyn got a rocking horse, bear suit, barn blocks from Taeya, the movie Snow White and a toy from Papa and Nana, books from Grandma Elaine, money from Grandpa Lee

I got new snow boots (2 pair because Gordon didn't know which ones I would want, I took one of them back!), a dippin' dot maker, money from my mom and dad and Lee and Laura, a 72 hour kit from the Huntsmans, new razors, and candy.

Gordon got a new Shop Vac and lots of movies from me, money from my mom and dad and Lee and Laura, new razors, and candy.

Around 2:00 we went over to Lee and Laura's house. We had sandwiches and just visited.

At about 4:00 we went over to my mom and dads for dinner and presents. This is a picture of Skyler, Daylen, and Zach being silly and "showing me their tummies."

Cute Baby Jayne loved the Oreos - we made Oreo shakes for dessert and they were delicious.

Anastyn and Taeya with their Nana - by this time of day Taeya was really tired of me taking pictures and I felt lucky that I got these last few good shots.

Our Family on Christmas Evening

We sure enjoyed being with family. We are so grateful for the birth of the Savior and for this special day we have to celebrate. What a wonderful day it was.
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