Cael and Taeya played together so well during the day (for the most part). The only thing they fought over was who got to be Jasmine, and Cael has a little race car track that had a red car and a green car and they both always wanted the red car.

My happy girl was often put down anywhere I could find a spot, she didn't seem to mind.
We did have one accident though. On Wednesday afternoon Cameron, Cael, and Taeya were sledding in the backyard and Taeya hit her head on the rock fire pit. She hit her head earlier and came in crying but then wanted to go back out and thats when she really hit her head. Cameron came in and said, "um, Brandalyn, Taeya is bleeding really bad!" I brought her inside and just had to take a picture before I cleaned her up. I sent this picture to Gordon and he about had a heart attack! Cynthia and I debated all night wether or not she needed stitches. We called Casey and he told us to try sterile strips. Those didn't seem to be holding the cut together, so at about 10:30 pm we took her to one of Casey's doctor friends house and he gave her 3 stitches. They didn't have any painkiller so she cried pretty hard, I held her down on the table while he stitched her up. Taeya handled the first stitch pretty well, but by the third she was crying pretty hard. Thank goodness she held still so he could be fast, poor girl.
This is what the cut looked like after we cleaned it up, and before we tried to put the sterile strips on it.
After I got her cleaned up (and before the stitches), she fell asleep on the floor, all that crying really tired her out.
This is what her stitches looked like the next morning. Still kindof a mess from dried blood and the glue from the sterile strips.
And this is my new Taeya. Gordon said he wished it was in the shape of a lightning bolt so she could look like Harry Potter! I think she enjoyed the attention she got from the stitches, she will probably always have a scar to remind her.

They must have been more fun to make than to eat because Taeya only ate the olives off the top of hers, Cameron only had one little slice, and Cael wouldn't even try it.

We really did enjoy our week. We also went swimming, got ice cream, rented the movie G-Force, and went to Leo's (the Idaho version of Chuckie Cheese). By the end of the week Taeya didn't want to come home. She told me I should leave her there for a few more days. I asked Cameron if he thought she should stay and he said "mostly yes." What a fun time. I hope we get to go again next year.
You are queen babysitter/mom!
I so wish I lived closer to my sisters that we could do this for each other! Sounds like fun. I think it is hilarious that you had Taeya get stiches without pain meds. Way to be tough! I saw your comment and tried to send you an email. Look for it!
Poor Taeya !!! We have had lots of stiches at our house I think James averages getting stiches once a year.
You stop and take a picture of your child with a head injury...big enough to require stitches...no offense, but how big of a schmuck would you feel like if your child had a serious head injury, and you just laugh it off...try some lame cover up crap...all before cleaning it up and realizing that she required stitches...exactly the reason I am a foster parent
Jason, and you use your time so wisely taking pictures of fat men's butts. not sure who is the sick one here.
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