As of December 15th Anastyn is 3 months old. She is so much fun. Here are some photos from the past month and some things about her:

She still eats every 2 hours, but it only takes about 5 minutes to feed her. I started working again a few weeks ago and we discovered that Anastyn really doesn't love the bottle. Gordon ends up bringing her to me to eat - I know so annoying, but better than having a screaming baby.
During the night she sleeps for about 6 hours for the first stretch, I feed her, she goes to sleep for another 3 hours, I feed her, than she will usually sleep for another 1-2 hours.
She laughed for the first time tonight (12-22-09), she was watching Taeya jump on the tramp and thought it was hilarious.
She is wearing 3-6 month clothes and they fit perfectly. She has a really long body and I think she might not be able to wear this size for too long. She is growning so much lately.
She started sleeping in her crib at night a few weeks ago and now I can finally get her to take naps in her crib. Most of the time they are just little cat-naps but if I wrap her up like I do at night time she will sleep for 1-2 hours. Usually closer to 1 hour, of course I enjoy any break I can get. The problem is that lately Taeya wants me to play with her all day everyday. So when Anastyn is sleeping I am usually playing with Taeya. I think is might be a jealousy thing because lately Taeya has been mean to the baby, she has even hit her a few times.
I know these 2 girls will be great friends someday, but right now I think Anastyn is a little afraid of Taeya. She gets this nervous look in her eyes everytime Taeya gets close. Maybe it's because Taeya is kind of loud, and rough, and I am sure the hitting thing doesn't help. Taeya is still constantly trying to hold her hand, especially in the car!
Anastyn loves the bouncer. She gets so excited when I put her in it. I think she loves the bubbles and thinks the fish are her friends. This bouncer is a life saver, it alows me to take a shower or get a few things done during the day!
During the night she sleeps for about 6 hours for the first stretch, I feed her, she goes to sleep for another 3 hours, I feed her, than she will usually sleep for another 1-2 hours.
She laughed for the first time tonight (12-22-09), she was watching Taeya jump on the tramp and thought it was hilarious.
She is wearing 3-6 month clothes and they fit perfectly. She has a really long body and I think she might not be able to wear this size for too long. She is growning so much lately.
She started sleeping in her crib at night a few weeks ago and now I can finally get her to take naps in her crib. Most of the time they are just little cat-naps but if I wrap her up like I do at night time she will sleep for 1-2 hours. Usually closer to 1 hour, of course I enjoy any break I can get. The problem is that lately Taeya wants me to play with her all day everyday. So when Anastyn is sleeping I am usually playing with Taeya. I think is might be a jealousy thing because lately Taeya has been mean to the baby, she has even hit her a few times.
I know these 2 girls will be great friends someday, but right now I think Anastyn is a little afraid of Taeya. She gets this nervous look in her eyes everytime Taeya gets close. Maybe it's because Taeya is kind of loud, and rough, and I am sure the hitting thing doesn't help. Taeya is still constantly trying to hold her hand, especially in the car!

She is kind of a mama's girl at the moment and she really does seem to favor me. She follows me with her eyes when I walk across the room, and today while my dad was holding her she was looking at me longingly!
She is starting to really slobber alot and she loves to suck/chew on her hands when the binki isn't in her mouth. I am worried that she will find her thumb and decide she really likes it.
She is growning so fast and we all love her so much. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to be her mother and pray everyday that I can be a great mom to her!
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