Sunday, December 13, 2009 we woke up to a lot of snow. So much that Gordon and Taeya couldn't resist building a snowman. "Frosty the Snowman" to be precise. It was huge, Gordon said he had a hard time lifting the middle snowball. After the snowman was built Gordon started shoveling the driveway (he shoveled it 3 times that day) and Taeya and Brielle had some fun in the snow.
They made snow angels (Brielle is the top photo, Taeya the bottom)

Taeya checked on the snowman every few minutes to make sure his body parts were still there (he had rocks for eyes that kept falling out)
Playtime with Brielle would not be complete without the "mom and kid game." This is Taeya's favorite game. It doesn't matter who comes over, this is usually her first question, "do you want to play mom and kid game." Its obviously just what it is, one of the girls is the mom and one is the kid. When Coco is around he is the dad, when there are more than 2 girls playing Brielle enjoys being the dog, otherwise she is the mom, and most of the time Taeya is the kid! This picture is the girls playing mom and kid game.
Brielles hands were freezing and Taeya must have been cold also because I could only get Lawni and Brielle to pose in front of the snowman (Brielle a little unwillingly!)
During round 3 of Gordon's shoveling Taeya played in the snow again and Gord was able to get a picture with her and our huge snowman.
1 1/2 weeks later our snowman is now very skinny with only 1 arm, and a magic hat. The hat keeps mysteriously getting put back on Frosty's head. I mentioned this to Taeya and she said, "maybe it's a magic hat?"
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