Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Festival of Lights

Last Monday for Family Home Evening we met at Garrick and Kelly's new house in Spanish Fork. My dad gave us a nice Christmas lesson and then we piled in the back of the truck and drove through the "Festival of Lights." Garrick provided yummy hot chocolate and donut holes. Thank goodness for that hot chocolate because it was cold. My mom sat in the truck and held the baby (while also listening to the jazz game!) We had a great time all bundled up. I hope this is a new yearly tradition.

Asilia and Taeya - they have so much fun together.

Mariel, Skyler, and Matt

Matt, Asilia, Taeya, Mariel, Skyler, Zach, and Garrick

Dad (Papa), Jayne and Kelly enjoyed the view from inside the truck.

Garrick, Jayne and Kelly

Jayne and Kelly joined us in the back of the truck for the 2nd loop. Jayne enjoyed the last half of the lights with closed eyes, but didn't ever let go of her hot chocolate lid!
We had such a great time thanks to Garrick and Kelly and their fantastic planning!


kelly jewell said...

Cute post and pictures...but none of you! There I am (again!) in my red puff coat. Where are you in your orange coat and matching hat? hehe...

Kimberly said...

Fun to see what you are doing....sad to see what we have missed out on:(
Feeling a little "homesick" for my awesome family and sisters right now!