On November 19th the girls and I survived the 12 hour drive to Kimberly's house in Arizona. The girls did great considering the amount of time spent in their car seats and we had a fantastic week enjoying the Arizona sun. It was 85 degrees in Arizona while it was snowing in Utah. We planned the trip so we could be at Kimball's baptism and while we were there, figured we might as well stay for Thanksgiving. We had such a fun week. We did some shopping, hung out, watched movies, ate yummy food, and just enjoyed being with the Whitmer family.
Kierra and Taeya had so much fun together, they had fun having "twinner" hair during the week. They both loved holding Anastyn and often fought over who held her first!
Saturday, November 21st, Kimball was baptized. He is such a sweet boy and it was sure great to be there for this big milestone in his life.
He looked so handsome in his suit! (Too bad Taeya and Anastyn didn't really cooperate).
We all loved spending so much time with "Papa and Nana" they sure saved me during the week.
While us older girls were shopping, the little girls were off to the ball! They had so much fun driving in the jeep. Kimberly lives out in the middle of nowhere which was nice because we didn't have to worry about the kids getting hit by a car and there was a lot of red dirt to play in. These 2 girls spent many hours driving the jeep down the road where there was a nice soft patch of sand.
When they weren't in dress-ups they could usually be found in their princess pajama's. The polly pockets and ponies were very clean after their many "baths" in the bathroom sink.
Anastyn was so content if she was being held. Thankfully their were lots of willing arms! My mom was so awesome - she would bathe her and get her dressed for me each day. Of course I think she enjoyed snuggling with her in the process!
One afternoon Mom and I made the girls tutu's - which they loved wearing. Taeya's is already trashed from wearing it so much (it probably didn't help that it made it to the sand pile one day!)

They were very creative in how they wore them.

Kenzly and Taeya became little pals during the week. Kenzly was so good to play with the girls. This picture was taken on Thanksgiving, right after our feast.

Kenzly and Kierra are such beautiful girls.

I curled all 3 girls hair and they looked so cute, i just couldn't get a picture of all 3 of them looking great at the same time.

Papa and Anastyn became buds during the week. He held her a lot while she slept, it was especially helpful while we were getting food ready on Thanksgiving. She enjoyed her first football game with closed eyes!

Anastyn's first Thanksgiving - November 26, 2009 - 10 weeks and 2 days old

Me and my girls. I sure love them - and Gordon sure missed them!