Thursday, June 12, 2008

Taeya Tagged!

Here are 10 things you might, or might not, know about Taeya:

1. She loves her binki!! She would suck on it all day long if I would let her. Of course I don't. Does anyone have any great idea on how to get rid of a binki?

2. She loves to go swimming. We go to the Lehi pool quite often. She love the shallow end where she can run and jump and be crazy. This picture is of Taeya and her friend Brielle. Brielle looks so dang cute in this picture I couldn't resist adding it in.

3. She loves Bubble Baths. She likes to take them in my big bath tub with the jets on. It is great, I put her in the tub and get ready for the day!! A few months ago I bought new bubbles , "Mr. Bubbles." After the tub filled up Taeya wanted the jets on. I turned them on, went back to doing my hair, and the next minute I looked over and I had a tub overflowing with bubbles. Taeya had a blast. I recommend Mr. Bubbles" they work great!!

4. Her favorite movie right now is "Scooby Doo 2, Monsters Unleashed." I can't figure out why, but she sure loves it.

5. She loves to cuddle when she first wakes up in the morning and after her afternoon nap. I think that is one of my favorite parts of the day. It is especially nice when she wakes up at 6:30 in the morning. We can put on Scooby Doo, give her a sippy cup of milk and she will lay in bed with me (or Gordon) for another 20 minutes or so!!

6. She loves books. She will just go in her room and pull out all of her books and read them outloud, one at a time. It is really funny to listen to her. Most of the time she rambles on and I don't know what she is saying, but sometimes if she gets a familiar book she will use the same word over and over. For instance she has this silly little book called "Harvey Happy Bee" and while she is reading it, she will say "Happy bee, blah, blah, blah, Happy Bee, blah, blah, blah." (The blah, blah, blah parts are her words I don't understand)! This is a picture of Taeya reading to Daddy! We always read her a story before bed and lately she wants to read us a story!

7. She loves to jump. She will jump on anything. She loves trampolines, since we don't have a trampoline at home she prefers to jump on my bed or hers. She also loves to jump off the porch, the sidewalk, the curbing, into the swimming pool, pretty much anywhere she can. She says "I bump."

8. Her favorite toys are her polly pockets, Cinderella "rella," Little Mermaid "mermaid," and Snow White, "Whata White." Unfortunately she has taken the hair off of Snow White and now she is bald (I think we lost her hair in the grass). These polly pockets are great at church!

9. She loves Macaroni and Cheese, candy, treats, and Juice. I don't know how we started this bad treat habit, but it is getting ridiculous. The juice is very dilluted but she still always asks for it and throws a fit if I don't give in!

10. She loves to run. She is pretty fast, if she gets a head start I have to run to catch her. She thinks it's a game and when you start running to get her, she goes even faster. Half the time she trips and I feel bad, but she is pretty tough.

Pretty much, Taeya is a typical toddler, but we sure do love her and we are grateful to have her in our lives!!

Taeya tags, Brielle, Chance, and Tate!


The Steel's said...

Oh that kinda makes me want to cry, she is so big. She is seriously the cutest little girl ever. I look forward to having her be my daughter in law, whoa that sounds weird and ancient. I will do this tag as soon as I get a second, it is kinda late.

The Milligan Blog said...

Okay, 1st of all, I love the picture of Taeya and Brielle!!! So cute, but makles me sad cause we miss swimming with you guys so much. I also love the pic with all those binkis.. As much as these girls need to get off these binkis, it sure is cute to see a picture like that :) I love those bubbles! Those ones are awesome! We need to stick Brielle in those bubbles with Taeya :) Lastly, I just love reading your blogs and keeping updated with cute little Taeya. Her and Brielle are doing the same things and its so fun to see them learning and growing up together, even though we are so far away!!

The Milligan Blog said...

Thanks for the tag! I'll get on it soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)