Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Black Widow

I really don't like Spiders, especially huge, poisonous spiders! So imagine my Horror when we found this huge black widow in the stair well of our walk-out basement. Actually Gordon discovered it first and was trying to keep me from seeing it, he know I am so nervous about poisonous spiders, especially black widows. We have seen them a couple times in the neighborhood since we have lived here and they freak me out!!

We had walked up and down the stairs at least 20 times that day because we were working on the deck. She just appeared out of nowhere. This spider was so big you couldn't miss it, she was at least the size of a dollor coin. I get chills just thinking about watching her walk around on the wall. She is dead now of course, and we are definitely calling the Pest Control!!


The Milligan Blog said...

oh my goodness! That makes me sooo nervous!!!!!!!!! Creepy Brandalyn!!!

Stacy W. said...

Well hello there Brandalyn and family- I was just reading your cute blog and saw this spider picture....So, here is Southern cal, we have like 20 of those same sized spiders all around the outside of our house and some in our garage. I seriously was freaked when we first moved here, but they are everywhere and I am more used to them now. You can always tell when they are around because their webs are SUPER sticky. Not like a normal whispy spider web. If you touch a web and it is very sturdy and sticky-ish, then you know a black widow is hiding right around there in a secret spot and they come out at night mostly. NASTY!!!! I found one on the underneath of Vinnies tonka truck just yesterday. YIKES. thank goodness for bug spray. Hope all is well and we miss you guys !!!- stacy and fam-
p.s. your sweet girl is so adorable.