Tuesday, December 21, 2010

15 Months Old

Anastyn is 15 months old.  Her official stats:
Date: 12-14-2010
Weight: 20 lbs. 14 oz (25th
Height: 30.5 inches (50%)
Head: 47.9 cm (95th %)
I finally tried her hair in piggies.....she looks so adorable, and like such a big girl.:( She has so much hair that sometimes I think she looks alot older then she really is. It's really fine and tangly and she hates for me to comb it.

The pictures were actually taken at 14 months, but I never did a 14 month post.

Here are some things about Anastyn:

She is a mama's girl - she cries when I leave her still
She is a monkey - she climbs on everything
She loves to jump - she is learning to jump and she can actually get a few inches of air
She says a few words:
daaaa (dad)
maaa (mom)
mah (more or milk)
bah (ball or ballon)
buh (book)
dah (dog)
She signs mom, dad, hat, shoe, all done, more, eat, milk, water, please, thankyou
She loves books
She takes 1 or 2, 2ish hour naps
She has a bottle of milk in the morning and at night
She sleeps from about 8:00 pm to 8:00 am
She loves watching Babie Signing Times, and Baby Einsteins (whenever she sees a tv she points to it and says a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a, over and over again until I respond)
She gets so excited when Gordon comes home from work
She loes toothbrushes - and sometimes actually lets us brush her teeth
She has 12 teeth
She folds her arms during prayers
She's a little tease
She loves to pick up Taeya from preschool and gets excited to see her
She usually cries when she seems me after I have been gone