Monday, March 9, 2009

Draper Temple

On Monday, February 16th, we went to the Draper Temple open house. I decided it would be fun to take Taeya. She is probably too young to remember anything, but I want the temple to be important to her. I am hoping someday when she looks at this picture she will be able to remember going and realize how important the temple is to me and her dad.

It was a cold, bright, windy day with not many people out walking around so these photos were the best we could do!!


Lindsey S. said...

Isn't it beautiful. We went too but I'm sure bailey will never remember. One we didn't get pictures because it was so dang cold and two she slept the entire time! haha

Kathy Stabler said...

great photos.....the temple looks beautiful. I must say seeing Gordon in a white shirt with his hair like that reminds me of when Gordon was a missionary.