Ryan and Kristy invited us to go to Lake Powell with them. We always have such a great time with them, this year was no different! We drove down Tuesday afternoon and headed out of the slip on Wednesday morning. We found an awesome spot that had some nice late afternoon shade. Food was great, company was great, kids were great! The only thing that wasn't so great was the weather as we were heading back to the Marina on Saturday night. The weather was great until the Marina was in site then out of nowhere we had a crazy wind storm that shook things up a bit! Thank goodness it all turned out okay but it was a little scary for about an hour. Otherwise the trip was perfect!
Taeya, the birthday girl had fun being buried in the sand. |
Anastyn loving the sand too! |
Aspen (Ryan and Kristy's neice), Anastyn, and Taeya |
This was the closest we could come to getting Anastyn too ski, she's a little more timid than Taeya was at this age. |
A day trip to Rainbow Bridge is always on the to do list! The good thing was it was a little overcast so it was great hiking weather. |
Dad and Anastyn - thankfully Anastyn let dad hold her for a change! |
Taeya getting ready to go skiing! |
Anastyn not so happy about having to go wakeboarding with dad, of course she was happy once they got up. |
Much happier now! |
One of the cutest girls I know! |
Gordon enjoying a little surfing. |
Aspen, Daylen, Dally, Lizzy, and Taeya |
Braxton, David, and Shelley - Kristy's sister and her family. They were a very relaxed couple and so much fun. |
Cute little Gage! Wish I could have squeezed him more - he didn't really like me:( |
Taeya has developed a love for knee boarding! She did great. |
Family shot on our way back to the Marina - right before the wind came. Look how calm the water is at this moment, it changed dramatically 15 minutes later! |
Lizzy and Anastyn - Anastyn fell in love with Lizzy and followed her everywhere. They especially enjoyed collecting shells together. |
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