We Went to Lagoon at the end of August with Gordon's work and had a great time, and then again last weekend (October 4th) during Frightmares. School had started in Utah County so it wasn't very busy and it wasn't too hot in August. Taeya had a great time. I think her favorite ride was the carousel, but a close second was the little swings! Gordon and I even got to try out "wicked" which we both loved.

This was the gorilla Gordon won for Taeya
As I mentioned above Gordon and have been going to Frightmares since we were first married. We went last week-end with some of Gordon's family. Because of the rain and cold we had the place to ourselves! It was great, the only bad things was that all the kiddie rides had wet seats. Taeya didn't really care though, just me. Taeya had a blast following around her cousins Cassidy and Presley. Her favorite ride is still the carousel ("the horsies"). Brandalyn, Cassidy, Frank, Presley, Taeya and Gordon (with the rest of the Dracula crew!)
Taeya didn't really like this ride, but she was a good sport and went on everything we put her on!
looks like allot of fun. Great family pic.I want one done too.
I love the pic. Are you not allowed to smile in those? Cute even with no smiles! :)
Hey there. I haven't been checking in very often, and so I have a lot of catching up to do!
Love the old-fashioned photo. Mostly cuz I'm not sure how you got Gordo to play along... But, I shouldn't underestimate you (or him!)
And, I love that you put Taeya on every ride. She's a fun one, just like you--
Miss you!
PS. I'm going tomorrow for my first cut/color since you did it in July. I have butterflies just thinking about it. And, Matt has butterflies thinking about the loan he's gonna have to get to pay for it :)
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