WARNING: This post has a ton of pictures - maybe the most I've ever included in one post and that's saying alot since all of my posts have a ton of pictures. I just didn't know how to eliminate! They were all so cute.
I had been looking all summer long for cheap flights to California. I wanted to go before Anastyn turned 2 and before school started for Taeya, I just wasn't finding the price I wanted so I had kind of given up on the idea of visiting the Milligan's. But one night I thought I should just look one more time....and lucky me I found them for $69 each way. I called Lawni immediately and she answered (which usually doesn't happen) and the week was clear for her so I booked it! The only bad thing was that since it was a little less than 2 weeks in advance we wouldn't be able to stay a full week like I had planned. Taeya was so excited when I told her the next morning.
WEDNESDAY: Our flight left early, early Wednesday morning and we flew into Long Beach where Lawni picked us up and took us straight to her house. The girls immediately started playing and I took a little tour of their condo and then we made breakfast. After breakfast we went swimming at the pool in their neighborhood. It was so great and the kids had a blast. We ate lunch after and put the little ones down for a nap. Anastyn slept forever (probably since we woke up at 5 am and she didn't go back to sleep!) so we played outside while she slept. When she finally woke up Lawni wanted to show me around town and we went to Cafe Rio for dinner. I was so tired that night from not sleeping much the night before so we went to bed early this first night.
Anastyn and Bryce sharing the stroller on our little walk to the pool. |
Brielle and Taeya have grown up swimming together and always have a good time. |
There is a little playground right by the entrance to the pool so on our way out we had to stop and swing - there were no baby swings so they had to share. |
Right by Scott and Lawni's house is a large driveway that is shared by about 10 condos. It's the perfect place for riding the Jeep - the girls had a great time riding around. |
Lawni even took Bryce for a ride! (Anastyn was still sleeping) |
THURSDAY: We decided to go to the beach on Thursday. So we woke up and let the kids play while we got ready to go. We spent the rest of the day at Newport Beach - the kids absolutely loved it! Anastyn was a little hesitant to go in the water after she felt it the first time but she still loved playing in the sand. I was even able to get her to take a nap! On the way home from the beach we took a dip in Lawni's neighborhood pool to try and rinse some of the sand off. Then we made tacos for dinner, bathed the kids and got them to sleep then watched a movie. Lawni introduced me to the most delicious ice cream ever - Denali Mint! We ate alot of that while we watched.
We took the kids shirts off while they ate breakfast and we never put them back one. They look pretty cute as little striped twinners though! |
At the beach and loving it - look at all the sand on her hands and then she wanted to eat chips like that? Yuck! |
Anastyn and Bryce playing in the sand. |
Taeya and Brielle did not stop, they were in and out of the water the whole time - I love it! |
Taeya, Bryce and Brielle pretending to be doggies - Anastyn was asleep. |
Sand Angels - the girls didn't seem to be bothered by the sand that accumulated everywhere after making these! |
There was a little breeze that kept the temperature just right, so I didn't worry about her being too hot! She slept for a good 1 1/2 just right there in the sand. It was nice. |
We buried the girls in the sand then had a hard time getting a picture without our shadow being in the picture - Lawni got creative! |
See what I mean by not being able to get a picture without being in the picture? |
Ohh I love this girl! |
And this one too! |
Lawni finally got Bryce to go to sleep. They are so innocent when they're sleeping! |
Taeya and Anastyn - happy after a nap. |
FRIDAY: Once again we had a lazy morning with a yummy breakfast. Then we cleaned up, got ready for the day and went to the "Irvine Spectrum" which is just a huge outdoor mall. It has a ferris wheel, merry go round and 2 splash pads. We stopped at Old Navy and found the girls some shoes, got some lunch, went on the Merry Go Round and Ferris Wheel then spent the rest of our time at the splash pad. After the mall we spent way too much time trying on clearance swim suits in Target (it got a little crazy with 4 hungry kids to put it nicely!) then headed home for dinner, yummy mac and cheese. After dinner we got the kids to bed then watched another movie and ate more ice cream! (That is one thing I love about hanging out with Lawni - the day always includes ice cream!)
There was a dying beetle on the floor that these two were inspecting. It was cute. |
More play time. |
They loved watching movies together - Bryce especially loved any movie that involved trucks! |
We found a few extra friends at old navy! |
The Merry Go Round - Anastyn's favorite part of the day. |
On the Ferris Wheel - At old navy I bought the girls matching penguins (the one Brielle is holding). Brielle accidentally dropped it off of the top of the ferris wheel about half way into the ride. The rest of the ride was spent worrying about the penguin! Thank goodness one of the employees found it for us after we did some serious searching. |
Me and my girls. |
Taeya and Brielle playing at the splash pad. |
Anastyn had a great time too until the cup shot up and the water got her right in the eye! |
SATURDAY: We had the same routine in the morning, we tried to hurry a little faster this morning cause we were going to Newport Beach again and wanted to get a good parking spot! We got ready and went to the beach. Scott had the girls in his car and Lawni and I had Bryce and Anastyn in her car we spent alot of time looking for a spot. Scott found one before us so we took all the gear and kids to the beach and he took Lawnis car and parked it for her - about 2 miles away!! What a good guy he is. We had another fantastic day! Saturday was definitely busier than Thursday but I guess that just allowed for more people watching! The kids had a great time of course and it was fun to have Scott there with us too. After the beach we went to the pool again, came home fed the kids dinner, bathed them, put them to bed, cleaned up, watched a movie and ate ice cream! The usual routine:)
So cute - we got the girls matching swimsuits at Target the day before and they looked so cute in them. We also did matching hair everyday. It was so fun. |
This time we buried all 4 kids. Anastyn didn't want her arms in and I'm not sure Bryce loved it! |
Scott and Lawni |
While Anastyn and Bryce were sleeping the girls and I made a sand castle - we even found a little crab to live in the castle. I think the best thing for Brielle was when she got to smash it before we left! |
Enjoying a little snack. |
My cute little Anastyn sleeping away to the sound of the waves! |
I was amazed at how brave these girls were in the waves - they got out there pretty far, they loved it though. |
SUNDAY: Scott and Lawni have church at 1:00, so we had a nice, unrushed morning! Then we went to sacrament meeting. Afterwards the girls stayed with Lawni and Scott and I took the little ones home for naps. While they were napping I made chicken nachos for dinner. Sadly they weren't as good as Heathers - they were kindof soggy. (Sorry Scott) After dinner we were kind of naughty and we went swimming one last time! Lawni had bought an underwater camera we forgot to use, we just had to go try it out! After swimming we had baths, got the kids ready for bed then colored Lawni's hair. I'm pretty sure we ate some ice cream too!
I did a side braid with the girls hair for Sunday and they looked so cute. |
These two are little fishies also - they make onlookers nervous with their bravery! |
Mid jump - ones of my favorite pictures! |
Doesn't Lawni look great! |
MONDAY: We were sad that today was the day we had to go home.....We gave Bryce a haircut and the kids hung out, I packed up, and we headed to the airport. It was such a great trip and I wish we could have stayed longer. I guess all good things have to come to and end. Lawni took us to the airport and we headed off. The girls were really good on the flight and we were excited to see Gordon. Thanks Scott and Lawni for letting us come take over your house and for feeding us and driving us around and being our friends! We love you guys!
Lounging around Monday morning. I thought it was cute how they separated themselves. |
I had to sneak in one more picture of the kids playing, they had so much fun. |
As we were packing up the car we realized we never got a picture of Lawni and I together. Scott took this one for us - not the greatest - but I sure do love you and miss you Lawni! |
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