The day the Milligan's moved away was a sad, sad, emotional day - especially for me. I think for Taeya and Brielle they didn't quite understand what was going on, they didn't seem too upset! These 2 have grown up together - they are kind of like sister, and they act like it too! Hopefully they will remain friends their whole lives, I know Lawni and I will. She has been an important part of my life these past 5 years. I secretly hoped they wouldn't really end up moving. Now I just hope that they will come back someday.
As I was uploading the pictures that I took they day they left it reminded me of the millions of pictures I have of the 2 girls together, so I will reminisce. There are a ton of pictures...... so Lawni, this one's for you!
January 2007 - 5 months old
We used to go to the Lehi pool all the time together. We loved going first thing in the morning because there would be hardly anyone there, the water was especially warm and the bucket wasn't turned on. These girls still love to swim together! |
March 2007 - 7 months old
Lawni and I used to go walking together when the girls were little, they usually cooperated! |
April 2007 - 9 months old |
April 2007
The girls both loved the Soothie binkis - as soon as Taeya figured out how, she would steal Brielle's binki so she could have 2. |
September 2007 - 14 months old
The Milligan's had recently come home from doing summer sales - we celebrated by going to the State Fair. |
September 2007 - Still at the fair. |
Halloween 2007 - 15 months old
I have a picture of the girls together every halloween. I couldn't find the picture of their first halloween together (I didn't want to search that far into my photo archives), so this is their 2nd. Don't you just love Brielle's cavewoman costume! |
January 2008 - 18 months old
They loved riding this car, sometimes they would fight but sometimes they would cooperate and just ride together. |
June 2008 - 23 months old
They loved being in the stroller together. |
June 2008 - 23 months old
We watched Brielle this day so Lawni could finish packing up before catching a flight to New Jersey were they spent the summer doing sales. We sure missed them. This summer I became friends with Heather and Alyson, that was so great! |
June 2008 |
August 2008 - 2 years old
The Milligan's had just gotten home and we were anxious to see each other, by "we" I mean Lawni and I based on how the girls look in this picture! |
Halloween 2008
The girls loved the candy this year. We didn't make it to too many houses because Taeya kept wanting to stop and eat her candy! |
December 2008 - 2 years old
One day the girls were playing and it was awfully quite - we went to check on them and they had gotten into the lotion and put it ALL over themselves (they have always been obsessed with lotion). |
December 2008
We just decided to put them in the bath to wash off all the lotion! I have several pictures of them in the bath together throughout the years. I did a post of the years in the bathtub in April of 2009, so I didn't include all of them in this post. |
April 2009 - Almost 3 years old
We loved going to jump on it - the girls are pretending to be asleep! |
April 2009 - Wide awake now! |
May 2009 - Almost 3 years old
The girls both take swimming lessons at O'Neal Aquatics. We tried to have lessons together anytime we could. |
June 2009
Swimming again |
September 2009 - 3 years old
Our neighbors cat had kittens and the girls were in love with them, they always wanted to hold them. |
October 2009
We went and saw the witches at Gardner Village and decided we needed to make it a tradition. All the kids had a blast. They loved the witches and they especially loved the pony rides and the animals. |
October 2009
Still at Gardner Village |
Halloween 2009
This was a good year for halloween. The weather was good and the girls had it all figured out. Livvy joined us for this picture, the girls all look adorable! |
November 2009 - 3 years old
At jump on it again! |
Christmas Morning 2009
We (I mean Santa) got the girls jeeps for Christmas. They loved riding around together. Taeya figured out that Brielle's goes much faster then hers so she preferred to be a passenger in Brielle's jeep. |
April 2010 - 3 1/2
Taeya had a little bike accident - she and Brynn were riding together and Taeya fell and got her foot stuck in the spokes of Brynn's bike. Her friends were hanging out trying to help her feel better. |
May 2010
The girls were being a little naughty with the markers. |
May 31, 2010 - Almost 4 years old
Memorial Day - we bought this inflatable slide and the kids were so anxious to try it out. It was a little chilly outside, but they didn't seem to mind. |
July 2010 - Almost 4 years old
We planned to go camping with the Bailey's, Milligans, and Lyman's but due to the forecast calling for rain we stayed the night in a condo right by Jordanelle instead. The girls had fun swimming in the hot tub. (Apparently it was a really bright day!) |
September 2010 - 4 years old
Now that the girls are getting older we thought it would be more appropriate to have them wear swimsuits in the tub! |
October 2010
We went to see the witches at Gardner Village but it was FREEZING so the ponies weren't giving rides, the girls were a little disappointed, although you can't tell by the looks on their faces in the picture. We bought them a treat instead. |
Halloween 2010
This year we picked the wrong time to start going door to door. It was raining hard and really windy and cold. We got down the street and Taeya was crying because she was so cold. So we brought the girls home, took their costumes off (Taeyas was Daphne from Scooby Doo and Brielle borrowed our witch costume), stuck them in a warm bath and put warm jammies on. Baby Rowan surprised us with a visit and the girls had fun playing with him. Around 8:00 the weather was much better so they put on boots and ran around without tears this time. The said they were "pajama girls." |
February 2011 - Swim Lessons |
March 24, 2011 - 4 1/2 years old
This was the day we said goodbye. We went and got Brielle out of school and it was snowing outside so we didn't get a very good shot. We sure miss you guys! |
Oh...cute tribute. That even makes me sad reading it.
So as you already know, I balled my eyes out looking at this!!!! And I am starting to choke up again!!!! I hate this! Thanks for posting all of this! These girls are soooo stinking cute together! I love them and miss everything about their friendship and time spent together! We sure love you guys and cant wait to see you all again!!!!!!!
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