Tuesday, March 15, 2011

18 Months Old

My little Anastyn is quickly becoming not so little. 18 months old - the time has flown by so quickly.  She is such an important part of our lives that I can't imagine what life was like without her.  Here are her stats from her 18 month well checkup:

Weight: 22 lbs (25th %)
Height: 31 in (25th %)
Head: 49 cm (97%)

*apparently she has a rather large head - it probably just makes her look like she has more hair than she really does :)
*she has the cutest little laugh ever, and laughs frequently
*she also gives pretty good scowls - she has a lot of facial expressions
*she's a little ham - loves to tease

*she loves her little tykes car, she drives in it at least once a day and gets a little possessive if an outsider tries to ride in it.

*she loves shoes, she tries to put them on all day long.  If I ask her to go get her shoes on she quickly runs to her room and gets me a shoe.

*she insists on being wrapped up after baths, she gets angry when I take the towell off to get her dressed or if it falls off

*I rarely get her in her highchair anymore, she insists on sitting up at the counter, or should I say standing at the counter.  She will hang out there for hours if I would let her!

*she is a monkey and wants to climb on everything
*she is a mama's girl still - gets sad when Gordon come home because she thinks that I am leaving (in her defense, most of the time I am leaving)
*she signs all the time, but often just starts moving her hands around and around in hopes that I will figure out what she wants
*she can point to her nose, head, tongue, mouth, eyes, hands, toes, belly button, bum, knees, ears
*she knows the sounds for dog, horse, cat, cow, owl, tiger, duck, monkey
*she says tae (taeya), mah (mom), by bow (diaper), dada, nana, tay too (thankyou), ma (more), wa wa (water), eye,
*she signs sleep, all done, more, cracker, please, thankyou, milk, water, shoes, socks, mom, dad, car, she points to her mouth when she wants her binki
*she loves to push things - mainly her stroller and shopping cart
*loves jumping on the tramp and is actually a great little jumper just on the ground
*anytime we are in the garage she gets in Taeya's jeep and presses the radio button, she can sit in it forever
*seems like she runs everywhere she goes
*she hates to have her teeth brushed
*loves books
*takes 1 nice nap a day
*still prefers the "baby sighning times" movies
*has about 5 onces of milk in the morning and before bedtime
*likes to eat burritos, yogurt, toast, turkey, cheese, mac and cheese, anything sweet, gum (she always finds it in my purse), fishy crackers, oatmeal, fruit snacks (doesn't like quesadillas and fruit like she used to)