Thursday, January 22, 2009

Babysitting in Idaho

My sister Chantel and her husband went to Hawaii for the week, so I got the enjoy their beautiful new home, and their 6 kids! We had a fun week, with no major problems. (I babysat for them last year and everyone got the flu and I flooded the laundry room!) I didn't take very many pictures, but I did get a few cute ones of the little kids. Taeya really enjoyed playing with her cousins. The 3 youngest are all boys, so they weren't too familiar with princesses. Cameron (the 6 year old), kept asking me "why does Taeya always want to be a princess." He finally gave her some star wars princess name which seemed to make them both happy. Poor little Cael (the youngest, he is almost 2), got a little beat up. Taeya went back to her scratching and biting phase that I thought we were out of. Thank goodness he is a sweet little boy who recovered quickly!

The "big" kids had a few friends over and Taeya, Cameron, and Cael found their shoes and thought they were pretty cool wearing them.

Cael was obsessed with toothpaste and thought he would see what it was like as war paint.

Cute little Cael again, always looking for a good pair of shoes.

Cael and Taeya playing in the boys room. I had just changed 2 poopy diapers and didn't think it was worth the fight to get them dressed again!

Saturday night we took the younger kids to Leo's which is a Chuck E Cheese type place. This is Taeya driving the tractor (all the other pictures I got from the night were blurry). The kids had a fun time.


McIntire Madness said...

What a crazy week! Bet it made you want to have more kids. :)

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a great time if you sign Taeya up for the little gym again let me know I would love to sign Kate up.


Heats said...

We are so glad you are back! Looks like you had your hands full- you are such a good sister to come and babysit for the week.