Sunday, May 26, 2013


Gordon was in Thailand for Memorial day so I thought I would take the weekend and go visit Heather. We always have a great time. We didn't do a lot over the weekend, I just cut out fabric for Kian's quilt, Heather worked on a quilt also and Alyson made a skirt for Brynn. Jeremy took Livvy, Taeya, and Kira to the cabin all day on Saturday and they had a blast. Sunday we went to church, had a yummy family dinner and then took a drive to some little lake??:) Monday we got some great deals at the local Amco. We got snow cones on the way out of town! Such a great weekend.

The girls going for a little drive.  So cute!
Still at the cabin....playing in the water.
The girls looking for bugs.
Taeya and Livvy just hanging out.
Anastyn, Alayna, and McCoy loved playing games.
Anastyn all ready for church.
Kira, Alayna, Anastyn, McCoy, Taeya, Livvy, and Cohen - what a cute bunch.
Me, Alyson, and Heather
Late Sumday afternoon we needed an outing so we went on a little drive to some pond.:)
We had to go home with a few pinecones!
It was so muddy right by the water so I was helping Taeya rinse her feet off.
I had to carry her back to the car so her feet would be clean.