When we found out that Anastyn's friend, Annie, was playing soccer we thought it would be super fun to have Anastyn play too. She was on the team "Green Dragons!" Anastyn loved her weekly soccer practices but when it comes to the games, she hasn't really loved it yet. We have tried to bribe her with getting a quarter every time she kicked the ball, or stop at the gas station on the way home if she played the game.... nothing really worked. She would play for a few minutes, then if Gordon or I went out on the field and ran with her she would play. She looked super cute in her uniform and really loved the treats after the game. Maybe she'll do better in the spring.
Annie and Anastyn taking a little time out at the game. |
Games were a little frustrating with Gordon. He would always tease her by grabbing her foot and saying "I want to see you kick that ball, with this shoe into that goal!" She laughed everytime. |
We really loved when Annie came home with us from games and played. |
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