I guess as part of my "nesting" I decided it was a good idea to have a garage sale. I loved the idea of going through my house and just getting rid of "junk" and making a little money to use for decorating the girls new room. It was a big giant pain to go through things and to get everything ready. But thanks to Kelly I got it done. I was amazed at the early garage salers - someone rang the doorbell at about 6:30am. I was just getting out of bed! The garage sale was a success - I made about $300 then I sold several items on KSL, like Anastyn's bed, Taeya's bedding, and some toys, and made another $100.
In the end I was happy with the results and so glad to get rid of some things, not sure if I will do another sale.....maybe I'll change my mind in a few years.
After the sale was over and before Gordon loaded everything up into the car for a big trip to DI, the girls had fun putting on silly outfits and playing in all the stuff. I got a few pictures.
Taeya sold muffins and juice and made about $25! |
This picture is blurry but I wanted to show you this silly outfit Brynn helped Anastyn come up with. I had some other pictures but Anastyn lost my camera :( |
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