We took a quick trip to St. George over the 24th of July to see the newest addition to the Andrews Family - sweet Baby Gage. The girls were in heaven holding this cute little man. He is so adorable, we just ate him up. We got to St. George late Friday night. On Saturday Kristy and I did a little errand running, and some shopping, and some swimming while Ryan and Gordon put up a bead-board type finish in Gage's room. They did an awesome job and it looked great (I should've taken a picture!). On Sunday we went to Sacrament meeting, had a delicious dinner, and had a birthday cake for Taeya. She was so happy. We left late Sunday night so we could be home for Taeya's birthday. What a fun weekend, thanks Ryan, Kristy, Daylen, and Gage for letting us spend the weekend with you!
Daylen showing Taeya how to hold baby Gage. |
Taeya looking like a pro! See what a cutie he is, even if he is a little uncomfortable. |
Anastyn had to have a turn, she did pretty good. She was so sweet with him. |
I made Gage a Pirate quilt, he's probably a little young for it now, but hopefully he'll enjoy it in a few years. |
Taeya was so excited that Kristy got her a cake for her birthday, it was a fun surprise. |
Blowing out the candles. |
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