Anyone who knows Gordon well, knows that he is a huge RUSH fan. He was beyond excited when he found out they were touring this summer. Since I have been to 2 RUSH concerts in my lifetime (which is plenty for me) I volunteered to stay home with the kids. Gordon went to the Salt Lake show with his friend Jason Parker and they enjoyed the show from the 14th row. He loved the concert so much he followed them to Vegas on August 14th. We made a little weekend out of it. We stayed at Ryan and Kristy's and helped them clear out the basement on Saturday, did a little shopping, Gordon took off for Vegas around 5:00 pm (once again I volunteered to stay with the kids) and we went and saw "Despicable Me" again. Sunday we went to church, ate a yummy lunch and snuck in a visit to Kip and Amy to see their new baby before heading home. We love little weekend getaway's to St. George.

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