I had to go to work for a few hours Saturday morning so Gordon played Mister Mom and Taeya always loves that! She is usually in a crazy outfit with her hair undone. Most of the time Anastyn is still in her pajamas playing on the floor, but the kids have fun and I guess that's all that matters! At least Anastyn looks happy.....
Taeya looked great in her outfit too. I saw her walking down the street as I was coming home from work and I had to just laugh at this cute girl! She thinks because she is out of school it's summer, but I keep telling her it's not warm enough to be summer. She doesn't listen and still wants to wear her swimsuit all the time!
Sunday afternoon Taeya and Gordon walked down to the river and played for a while during Anastyn's nap. Taeya learned that if she finds a dandelion and blows on it she gets to make a wish. Lately her wish is "to fly." On their walk to the river Taeya found a dandelion, picked it up and blew on it. The fluffy stuff didn't come off so she quickly grabbed it with her hand and pulled them off. Then she started flapping her wings, got a disappointed look on her face and snapped her fingers and said, "darnit!" Taeya is always sad on Monday morning when she wakes up and Dad has already left to go to work. We all love the weekend, and we love having Dad home. He is such a great dad. I am so thankful.
A little sidenote story about Taeya........Gordon has been working late a lot lately and last week Taeya was having a hard time going to sleep so Gordon told her he would leave a suprise under her pillow for her if she went to sleep. The next morning she ran in and showed me the fortune cookies that he had left. She was so disappointed because she wanted her suprise to be a baby elephant!??
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