Taeya had her end of school year program on March 18th. Gordon and I got to watch her little class perform some of the songs they have been working on during the year. It was so fun to watch her sing and dance. She has had a fun year. I can't say that she has loved they year but she did seem to enjoy it. She has learned so much. She can write her name (sometimes she spells it T-A-Y-E-A), she knows most of her shapes and colors (she knew her colors before school started), she knows the days of the week, she can count to 30, (she often has a hard time with 13 and 14, she used to skip 13 and now she sometimes says 13 twice instead of 14), she knows her numbers and letters and what the letters say, she is a good matcher and recognizes patterns.

Shortly before we went to Disneyland Taeya came home and told me that Mitchell was her boyfriend because they were both going to Disneyland. Gordon had a big talk with her about how he was the only "boyfriend" she could have. Shortly before school ended Taeya said to me, "Mitchell's not my boyfriend anymore, Daddy is!"
The other 2 girls Taeya often talked about were Emma and Kennady. One day on the way home she said sadly, "Emma and Kennady aren't teamwork." She was really sad about it, I think she meant that they wouldn't play with her, so we went through some of the other girls in her class and talked about how maybe they would be teamwork! It was cute. It's fun to hear how their little minds are working.
Now that school is out she thinks it's summertime and she can wear swimsuits, and skirts and tanktops all the time! Maybe it will be nice in June? We can always hope.
Smarty! Love her...
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