-She is crawling (she started crawling on mothers day - May 9th).
-She has 2 teeth, but 1 of her top teeth is almost in.
-She LOVES food still, she still hasn't turned down anything I have given her, and she gets really excited when she sees it.
-She wakes up at least once, and sometimes twice during the night :(
-She wishes she could be rocked to sleep each night and for naps, and secretly I love it, but I know it's not a good thing so I try to make her cry it out.
-She goes to sleep around 8:30 pm and is up for the day around 8:00 am.
-I nurse her about 5 times a day.
-She gets milk, half a jar of baby food and about 2-3 tlbs of cereal before bed (this is her only consistent meal of the day). If we are home I will usually feed her something in the afternoon like yogurt, baby food, sweet potato - something like that. If we're not home she snacks on whatever Taeya and I are eating.
-She is quite the momma's girl, she cries quite hard if she is tired and I'm not around.
-She just started swim lessons and is doing really well.
-She loves taking baths.
-She sleeps on her tummy - by her own choice. I lay her on her back and when I check on her she is always on her tummy.
-She is happy and smiles at anyone who will smile at her.
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