Thursday, May 27, 2010
Clothes Picker Girl

Posted by Brandalyn at 10:57 PM 2 comments
Yard Work Helpers

Posted by Brandalyn at 10:41 PM 1 comments
Daddy's Girl

I had to go to work for a few hours Saturday morning so Gordon played Mister Mom and Taeya always loves that! She is usually in a crazy outfit with her hair undone. Most of the time Anastyn is still in her pajamas playing on the floor, but the kids have fun and I guess that's all that matters! At least Anastyn looks happy.....
Taeya looked great in her outfit too. I saw her walking down the street as I was coming home from work and I had to just laugh at this cute girl! She thinks because she is out of school it's summer, but I keep telling her it's not warm enough to be summer. She doesn't listen and still wants to wear her swimsuit all the time!
Sunday afternoon Taeya and Gordon walked down to the river and played for a while during Anastyn's nap. Taeya learned that if she finds a dandelion and blows on it she gets to make a wish. Lately her wish is "to fly." On their walk to the river Taeya found a dandelion, picked it up and blew on it. The fluffy stuff didn't come off so she quickly grabbed it with her hand and pulled them off. Then she started flapping her wings, got a disappointed look on her face and snapped her fingers and said, "darnit!" Taeya is always sad on Monday morning when she wakes up and Dad has already left to go to work. We all love the weekend, and we love having Dad home. He is such a great dad. I am so thankful.
A little sidenote story about Taeya........Gordon has been working late a lot lately and last week Taeya was having a hard time going to sleep so Gordon told her he would leave a suprise under her pillow for her if she went to sleep. The next morning she ran in and showed me the fortune cookies that he had left. She was so disappointed because she wanted her suprise to be a baby elephant!??
Posted by Brandalyn at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Fingers and Toes

Posted by Brandalyn at 11:13 PM 0 comments
School Program

Shortly before we went to Disneyland Taeya came home and told me that Mitchell was her boyfriend because they were both going to Disneyland. Gordon had a big talk with her about how he was the only "boyfriend" she could have. Shortly before school ended Taeya said to me, "Mitchell's not my boyfriend anymore, Daddy is!"
The other 2 girls Taeya often talked about were Emma and Kennady. One day on the way home she said sadly, "Emma and Kennady aren't teamwork." She was really sad about it, I think she meant that they wouldn't play with her, so we went through some of the other girls in her class and talked about how maybe they would be teamwork! It was cute. It's fun to hear how their little minds are working.
Now that school is out she thinks it's summertime and she can wear swimsuits, and skirts and tanktops all the time! Maybe it will be nice in June? We can always hope.
Posted by Brandalyn at 10:41 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
Lawni's Birthday

Posted by Brandalyn at 9:25 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
8 Months Old

Posted by Brandalyn at 11:17 PM 0 comments
The girls thought it was fun to put the bowling shoes on - thank goodness we remembered socks!

Brynn, Kira and Seth

Taeya had a hard time being patient and waiting for her turn.

Taeya, Brynn (not in the picture) and Kira loved watching for the balls to come back.

Gordon helped Taeya most of the time and he would tell her to "lean" the direction the ball needed to go. I think Taeya got the ball rolling at a high speed of 3 mph.

The adults went every other time so the kids could have more turns, that gave us down time to chat, hold babies, and watch the girls have a some fun!

Taeya found a fun sitting spot while waiting for her turn!

This is Taeya's new face when I tell her to smile, isn't it beautiful?

Anastyn was happy with her Daddy!

She was also all smiles for her Mom!

Taeya tried to roll the ball underhand a few times, it went really slow when she did it this way but it was cute to watch her try.

We really did have a fun time bowling, this is an activity we will definitely try again. Maybe next time the adults can actually beat the kids, but if not we can always try leaving the bumpers up the whole time!
Posted by Brandalyn at 7:50 PM 1 comments
Swim Lessons - Day 4
The first part of the lesson is "bobs" she does about 3 or so with her. Then she puts her arms and chest on a kick board and puts a noodle under her legs and helps her kick/float to the other end of the pool.

At the other end of the pool she works on her "back" and rolling over when she touches the wall. She needs her to float on her back for a full minute before she can work hard on other skills. This is Anastyn's least favorite part. If she would just stop kicking her legs she would float perfectly.
As soon as Jodee rolls her over Anastyn seems totally content and wants to play with anything she can touch! She has her float on her back for a few minutes, then she to try and get some of the water she just swallowed out of her tummy. Then she practices floating again.
Anastyn loves Jodee's necklack and is always reaching for it, it's cute. Jodee is really calm with her and talks to her and encourages her the whole time.
During the last 5 minutes of the lessons, Jodee sits her on the side of the wall, pulls her into the pool, turns her around and helps her practice grabbing onto the side of the wall. Then she floats on her back to the other end of the pool and she gets to play with diving sticks. She knows she is done and is as happy as can be.
On Day 4 of Anastyn's lesson, Taeya had a lesson also. During February, March, and April Taeya was on a little swim team. She would swim on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 - 1:40. This wasn't her favorite thing, she complained that it was too long, she did love the extra diving she was able to do, but otherwise she started to regress in her swimming abilities. So now she just has a swim lesson for 20 minutes once a week, and she loves it. Below are a few shots I took of Taeya.
At the beginning of her lesson she practices "side breathing" with the kick board. Next she adds her arms with the kick board. Then she does "front crawl" without the kickboard. Doggy bone is next for a few lengths of the pool. Then she kicks on her back with no arms, next she adds her arms. At the end she usually does a few more laps of front crawl before practicing her dives. It's so fun to watch her swim and see how confident she is in the water. I love it!

Posted by Brandalyn at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mother's Day
Posted by Brandalyn at 10:52 PM 1 comments
1st Week of May
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
For Family Home Evening we ran a few errands and then got Ice Cream at Maggie Moos. Taeya got the Cotton Candy flavored ice cream and Anastyn loved it. She loves ice cream, before we paid for it she could see it sitting on the counter and started reaching and kicking for it! Sadly she probably ate as much as Taeya did. The girls blue mouths made me laugh.
Anastyn is so close to crawling. She can get on all 4's but can't quite move her legs, she does go into a great "downward dog" yoga position though!

Thursday, May 6, 2010
We had a nice evening at the Lehi pool, both girls sure love to swim, its much nicer now that Anastyn can sit up.

Friday, May 7, 2010
Anastyn had her first ponytail, and doesn't she look so cute! It makes her look like a big girl.

Posted by Brandalyn at 9:57 PM 2 comments