The Whitmer family came for a visit a few weeks ago. We had such a fun time with them. Chantel and the kids were able to come and visit while they were here also so that made it extra fun. We did alot of fun things while they were here, we went to Jump on It, Pirate Island, the mall several times - the kids played at the treehouse, dinner at Kelly's one night, lots of sleepovers, ran errand with Kimberly, breakfast at Kneaders, swimming at the Lehi pool, a birthday party for Kierra, and lots and lots of hanging out at moms - so much so that I think she is tired of us! Kierra and Taeya got along so well, for the most part. Those 2 are a lot alike. They both love to dress up and change clothes, you just never knew what they would be wearing from hour to hour!
I didn't get pictures of everything, but here are a few that I did get from Kimberly.

We were sad to see the Whitmer's go. We sure do miss them and wish they lived closer. Thanks for the fun week and a half!
Cute post! Mine is to that I can steal that top picture. :)
I couldn't believe how long Taeya's hair was in those pics. Good thing it look so cute short! Family is so fun:)
So fun to see all your sisters! Cynthia looks just like her mom!
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