I always thought that when I had a baby girl I would pierce her ears right away, than I had Taeya and for some reason I just couldn't do it. I told myself I would wait until she wanted to get it done. I think I might have put the idea in her head, but she said she wanted to get it done so I was excited. I knew that I wanted my mom to come with us because she has such a good eye and they would end up even. On Saturday, March 20th, after Jump On It, and before Pirate Island we went to the mall and got it done. I could tell Taeya was a little nervous but she put on a brave face. Two employees were going to do both ears at the same time but one of the "guns" didn't work so they had to do it twice, the second time she got a little sad.

Even though it hurt a little bit, I know she loves them. She says to everyone "hey, I got my ears pierced!"
Great post! You are crazy...I love all your words and the stories you share. Perfect!
Oh my goodness! Those are some big tears. I showed Livvy and she said she remembers sitting in that chair! So cute.
I remember when you got your ears pierced when we were kids. I was totally jealous until you told me they used a "gun" to do it. I imagined a large warehouse with a lady standing behind a rifle and she shot your ears. It made me not want them pierced for a long time!
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