Easter Weekend was so fun and relaxing. It was so nice to be able to be home all day long on Sunday and watch conference. On Saturday we had a dinner and an egg hunt with Gordon's family at our house. Elaine puts money in a few of the eggs with the "golden egg" having a $50 bill and other eggs having $5, $10, and $20's. Taeya didn't find any money, but thankfully she didn't really care! (I got a new camera so Gordon was playing with the settings and as usual I took a million pictures!)

The Bunny: Cassidy
After the dinner at our house, Gordon went to Priesthood and I went over to my moms for some more family fun! We missed dinner because the dinner with Gord's family overlapped a little bit. We did get to enjoy some cousin time and some yummy ice cream. This picture is of Daylen, Skyler, and Zach lifting some weights!
Taeya loves dressing up at my moms house - this is one of the many outfits she put on that evening! Thanks to Asilia, this one actually goes together!
Anastyn loves her Nana.
Sunday morning we woke up and discovered the easter bunny found our house!
Taeya really was excited about the bunny leaving all the eggs behind. I hope I haven't runined her for future years, but during the week before Easter she kept finding the things I was going to put in her basket so I told her that I was going to give them to the easter bunny to give to her!?
The girls with their baskets. Taeya got a new swimsuit, Princess and the Frog DVD, Monsters vs Aliens DVD, and Shrek the Third DVD. Anastyn got some sippy cups and binkis.

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