baby!!! I have been meaning to post about our exciting news for a while now, but I wanted the ultrasound pictures before I did so. Yes, I am pregnant! I am 23 weeks, and feeling great. A little nauseous in the beginning, but nothing to really complain about. I already feel huge, but I guess since this is my second I popped out faster!?! We decided not to find out the gender of the baby, I know we are crazy, but we thought it would be a fun suprise.
Taeya is really excited. She gives the baby kisses and talks to it, she keeps calling it a she, maybe it's a girl? I think we read into everything!
These really are pictures only a mother can love, but I just have to post them.


Flexing the muscles (maybe it's a boy?)
3-D. I know this one is kind of freaky! The umbilical cord is right next to the babies mouth, and the placenta is along the left side. (Head is up top, just in case you can't figure it out!)
Congrats! I can't wait to see that cute belly! I bet you look amazing! I actually know it. You always do.
I will have to make "it" a yellow and green blanket now to torture you for torturing me! You know I can't wait. Well, I guess I have no choice.
Boy or girl, Taeya is going to be a great little momma to it! (And, you're not so bad yourself :)
And, that 3D is a little freaky. Not so much the baby, but just seeing the relationship of the baby to all that placenta and cord stuffed in there! I've never really seen it all like that before--thanks for sharing.
I do see that the baby is going to be an excellent snorkeller, and needs to be introduced to the Great Barrier Reef very early in life!
I was wondering when I would see this post from you...I am so excited for you all. It should be a girl if it follows tradition. Hope all is well and would love to get together.
Congratulations!! I love those pictures, especially the last one. When you see the pics, you can't help but realize what a miracle and blessing these little ones are. CONGRATS AGAIN!!
It will be fun for you to find out what the baby is! Although, not fun for everyone else! I am happy we are prego together.
Hey, why are your pictures so clear and easy to figure out? Except the last one- I still don't get it. :) I like the little ribs. Cutie cute. Excited!
Congrats! That is very exciting. I do not have the patience to wait to find out the sex of a baby!
Yay!! The pictures are finally posted!! and so are mine, can you believe it!! Cant wait to find out what you are having!!!!! I think its a boy! :)
Well, well!! hot diggity dog! We are so excited for you and can't believe you are already 23 weeks along! Were you prego when you were down here at d-land?? so cool. luvs- stacy
Congratulations Kennards! That is so great, it is crazy we are pregnant again at the same time. I am sorry we haven't gotten together yet, we are lame sauce. Let's have a BBQ soon!
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