For memorial day week-end we went with the Lyman's to their cabin in Colorado. We arrived a mile from the cabin around 10:15 pm on Friday. Since it was raining and muddy and we were in the Honda, the plan was for Jeremy to drive in, drop off their things, then come back for us. He only made it about 200 yards before he decided he wasn't going to make it with all the mud. We thought it was a good idea to drive in the grass as far as we could, but our idea was bad since we didn't see the big trench we drove into! The next plan was to ditch the cars and go the rest of the way on foot. Gordon carried our bags and I carried Taeya. I took one step in the mud and lost my flip-flops, so we both walked bare-foot. Gordon had a little crank flashlight we keep in the car in case of emergencies which was our only measly source of light. It helped but it was sure dark! It was raining and muddy and the only way you really knew you were on the trail was for the feel of the mud on your feet. If you got into weeds you knew you were getting off course. The whole walk went by suprisingly fast and we made it safely to the cabin around 11:45 pm. I was wishing I had my camera when we arrived because our feet were covered in mud and we were wet from the rain. All of the kids did great and it just made for a great adventure at the start of our week-end.
This was our car when the mud was finally dried out on Saturday evening. Jeremy's cousin pulled the car our with his winch! (Probably shouldn't go off-road in the dark, in the rain, in a Honda!)
The week-end got off to a crazy start, but we really enjoyed ourselves. Saturday we ate a yummy breakfast of cinnamon french toast before spending a majority of the day riding around of the 4-wheelers. Jeremy's cousin, Justin, has cows that graze up on their property and we "helped" push the cows to food and water.
Each of these cows had a calf, and the male, or "bull," below was responsible for all those babies. Boy was he busy!

Gordon and Taeya, this 4-wheeler was Taeya's favorite, she had a perfect little seat on the back. She would talk and sing as Gordon drove.

Cohen, Jeremy, and Olivia "pushing" the cows

Heather and I on our 4 wheeler, we would take turns driving.
If we got off the 4-wheelers for more than a few minutes Cohen would get off and explore!
After lunch we relaxed, read, and let the kids explore. The girls played on the 4-wheelers for hours pretending they were driving. Later in the afternoon we walked down to the stream and threw flowers in the water. Jeremy caught a hummingbird the girls each got to hold. Before dinner we drove the 4-wheelers to the Lake and the surrounding areas.

Saturday night Jeremy and Heather made us a fabulour dinner. We got the kids to bed at a decent time, read for while, and went to bed early. It rained through the night so we woke up to more mud! Sunday morning was another yummy breakfast, some 4-wheeler riding, a little more reading, lunch, and then home for us!

Cohen, Olivia and Taeya looking longingly out the window while waiting for us to finish breakfast so they could go out and play.
Taeya, Olivia, and Gordon taking a ride. Olivia and Taeya fit perfectly on the back of this 4-wheeler. Gordon even made them a little seat belt out of bungee cord.
We had a great week-end! Jeremy has built an amazing cabin in a beautiful place! We are so greatful to have wonderful friends like the Lyman's. Thanks for a great weekend.