I don't know what the problem was, but Saturday night was one of the worst sleeping nights Taeya has ever had. We put her to bed around 8:30 pm on Saturday night, she woke up screaming at about 9:30 pm. I kept asking her if she was sick, and first she said her tummy hurt (which she tells me all of the time), then she said her mouth hurt (she fell with a stick in her mouth earlier that evening), then she told me her ear hurt. So we gave her some ibuprofen, calmed her down, and got her back to sleep about 45 mintues later. She slept until about 12:15 am, then she woke up at 1:15 am, 2:15 am, 3:15 am (I finally put her in bed with us), then 4:15, and finally at 5:15 am. At 5:15 I gave her some more ibuprofen and she finally slept until 9:00 am. She seemed totally fine when she woke up, so I don't know what the deal was. Unfortunately we have 1:00 pm church now which means no nap. Her nursery teacher said she didn't seem like she felt very good, but I think she was just really tired. When we got home, I turned on a movie and she was out in about 5 minutes. Which, if you know Taeya, is so unusual. I can count on 1 hand the times she has fallen asleep on the couch!! She was out for about 30 mintues before I woke her up to go to dinner at the neighbors house (I also didn't want her to sleep too long so she would go to bed early that night). She has been just fine since. I am convinced that is the worst sleeping night she has ever had!!
Oh, poor thing! her & YOU!! but if that's the worst you've ever had- then I don't feel too bad...seems like something similar happens about once a week around here!!!
um yeah.... I realized I missed an appointment a couple weeks ago after my friend Emily was talking about you doing her hair. Then I remember you gave me an appointment card with you phone number on it, which was before Christmas, and it has been lost with all of the Christmas craziness! sooo.. I do not even know when my appt. was. If you will still let me come in...I really could use a new appointment! Sorry!!! I wish I had your number...but I cannot find it!! Send me a message or call if you find an opening!! Love ya!!!! 801-446-7177 or maserfamily@msn.com
Poor thing. I hate when they have a bad nights sleep. SO SAD!
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