Friday, July 12, 2013

Swim Team

The girls did the swim team at O'Neal Aquatics this summer. They met every Monday and Wednesday morning from 8:00-8:40am. It was easy to get the girls out of bed at first but as the summer went on they fought me more and more. Both of the girls are great swimmer and really improved their butterfly and breast stroke. Anastyn didn't usually stay in the pool the whole time. She was the youngest by far! At the end of the summer I was lucky to even get her in the pool! They had a swim meet every other Friday. Taeya got several first place ribbons throughout the summer. Anastyn was funny, she has said to me many times, "I didn't get any blue ribbons, mostly white!"

The team with Coach Valerie.  Anastyn is right underneath Valerie's knee, and Taeya is in the front row, third from the left. (pink goggles)