A week after being home from Idaho we headed back up for Gordon to have knee surgery! He tore his ACL and his Meniscus back in May of 2012 while wakeboarding in Lake Powell. He kept hoping it would get better.... after Gordon's job change to Xango Casey was actually an in-network Orthopedic Surgeon so we figured it was meant to be! Gordon finally agreed to have the surgery.
Casey performed the surgery
Friday morning and Chantel was great to watch the girls all day for me! They surgery was much more intensive than I actually thought. Casey told us all went well with the surgery but he was surprised at the softness of Gordon's bone so he had to use screws to reinforce the new ACL. We spend a few hours post surgery in the recovery part of the hospital because Gordon was having a hard time keeping his oxygen level up while he was sleeping. Saturday Gordon was sleeping on and off and generally feeling pretty good. We obviously just hung out at the house. We originally considered leaving Saturday afternoon but due to snow in Utah county we decided to just stay put and recover another day. We watched a movie that night. Sunday we just hung out while the Huntsman's went to church. After church we ate lunch, Gordon had Casey change his bandages and then I drove us all home. Gordon is doing great so far....I feel kind of like I have another child since I have to do everything for him. :) He will have to have a few months of physical therapy. Wish him luck!
An after school visit from the kids. The girls were anxious to come see dad and the kids all loved all the snacks! |
Recovery room - Gordon is looking a little pale but he's doing great. |
Look how beautiful his leg looks! We should've taken more pictures from the beginning but this was taken at Gordon's first day of Physical Therapy. He hates his crutches and work has been a little tricky this first week. He spent several hours on the couches in the cafeteria at work so he could elevate his leg! He's a trooper! |
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