Last year I dropped the ball on the girls Halloween party so this year I felt like I needed to pull through. Not a day to soon! We had a ton of little kids, I think I counted 21! It was pretty nuts but I think they had fun. We played Halloween Bingo, had a little spider web craft, decorated cupcakes, played the donut on a string game, made mummy hotdogs, and drank witches brew, and played a freeze dance game. Taeya told me afterwards that the party didn't turn out how it was supposed to in her mind. I think she wanted to be "in charge" of an activity. So maybe next year!:) I didn't get many pictures, I think I was too busy keeping track of kids!
Anastyn, Annie, and Alayna |
Jayne and Rachel |
Cache and Taeya |
Addy and the little girls doing the freeze dance. |
My dancing fairy. |
Holly, Avery, Jeffry, Kira, and Brynn waiting for the "witches brew." |
The spider web craft. It turned out cute I thought. |
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