The girls slept in til about 8:45am Christmas morning, we didn't complain! Santa came and I think everyone was happy. Taeya was a little sad she didn't get her i-pad but I think I told her enough times that she wasn't going to get one that she was okay with it. The opening only lasted about 30 minutes then I made some Sour Dough waffles for breakfast (I didn't like them in case anyone cares!).
This is what Santa left for the girls, Taeya on the left and Anastyn on the right. |
This is what Santa left for Gordon and I. |
Taeya was excited about her Polly Pocket Fashion Stage. |
Apparently we weren't feeling 100%! |
My cute girls with their cute jammies! |
Anastyn loved her "Baby Alive" baby. |
Ever since Lake Powell in June Taeya has been wanting another "Race Car Barbie." She left it floating in the lake and it sunk. Santa really came through and replaced her Barbie! |
All of Taeya's loot besides the used "Game Boy" that Grandpa bought her and the purple dress from Nana. She has renamed the Game Boy "Game Girl." |
Anastyn's loot - Papa and Nana got her some cute puppets and a little dog that you can change the clothes, and she got a pink wiggle racer car from Grandpa. |
My loot! Apparently I forgot to take a picture of Gordon's. He got a bunch of DVD's, a few RUSH CD's, a pair of Jeans, cologne, Season 7 of "That 70's Show" and some other miscellaneous items I can't think of! |
Our mess. |
The girls loved the slide from Santa! |
All dressed up for Church - Gordon and Taeya went. |
We went to Gordon's dads around 1:30ish, Anastyn seemed pretty good and she even had her appetite back at Lee's house. We had sandwiches, opened presents and just relaxed for a little bit before heading over to my moms. We were at my moms for about 10 minutes before Anastyn threw up again! Gordon took her home and Taeya and I stayed to enjoy Christmas with my family. We stayed at my moms for a few hours - we ate dinner, opened presents, played Catch Phrase and just had a nice visit! It really was a fun evening. Anastyn and Gordon enjoyed some bonding time at home watching movies together.
Taeya and Kierra are "best cousins" and love to be with each other. They had so much fun. |
Asilia, Kenzly, Taeya, Kierra, Karsten, Jayne, Kimball, Zach, Skyler - ready to open presents. |
The girls were soooo excited about their sparkly, matching dresses. |
They put them on immediately and we all enjoyed purple sparkles spread throughout the house!! |
I'm sorry Anastyn was sick on Christmas! That's no fun. And that's funny we both watched Breakfast at Tiffany's on Valentines - I had never seen it before. You should call me sometime soon so that we can catch up, and I am husbandless so it would be nice to talk to someone! I miss you!
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