Saturday, June 25, 2011

Af Canyon Half Marathon

I started going to the gym regularly last October.  Before then I would work out at home, or I would go for a job on this great trail we have by our house, but I started getting a little more into weights and running.  I would run 3-4 miles and was feeling pretty good.  A friend at the gym started asking me what I was training for.  I wasn't training for anything but it got me thinking.  I've never actually wanted to run a marathon, but I started to think that maybe I did.  So I signed up for the AF Canyon Half Marathon.  The course was mostly downhill and since it's practically my backyard I figured I could train pretty easily.  It ended up being a lot of fun.  My plan was to do it in 2 hours.  I figured I could run pretty fast down the canyon and then I could slow down and still make it under 2 hours. I went pretty fast down the canyon like I planned but I didn't really slow down much after.  I got pretty tired around mile 10, but surprisingly the last few miles went by fast.  My final time was 1 hour 47 minutes, which I was really proud of.

 Lawni and her kids met me at the finish line, Gordon tried to meet me down the hill from our house but I was too speedy!  I saw him running down the hill about 50 yards from me, but I wasn't about to stop to wait for him!

Alyson had planned to meet me at the finish line but it was too early in the morning so she met me in the driveway instead!

When I was finished I grabbed a quick drink, visited with Lawni for a few minutes and then headed home to shower and head to Lake Powell!!  I don't think I want to do a full marathon anytime soon, but maybe someday.......


The Peets said...

That is so cool that you did that. I need to start training for one! Evan is dying to do marathons together.

The Milligan Blog said...

Way to go!!!! you did so awesome Bran! I am telling ya, we need to do the FULL marathon together!!! We just gotta! ...You can see my house in the pic with Alyson :(

Alyson Bailey said...

So fantastic! I was so confused by the first picture. Why are you wearing a knee brace and that is not the color I remember you having on. And then I saw you behind that nice lady. Silly me! That really was such an accomplishment. At least I woke up before you left for Lake Powell!