I discovered it was Taeya's half birthday today. She asked me if she could have a cake and I said of course, you only turn 4 1/2 once right? We had a fun little celebration. I bought her a pack of gum for a little gift and I even let her choose a treat out of the vending machine after gymnastics, what a special day!!
When I showed her the sheet cake I made she was a little disappointed. Apparently she wanted a barbie cake like I made her a few years ago for her birthday. She settled for putting Ariel and her pony in the cake instead. |
I sure love my Taeya. She is fiesty, opinionated, a little gymnast and swimmer, she likes preschool, is into watching movies lately (especially on my bed), she is a great big sister and lets Anastyn play with her most of the time, she loves to get Anastyn out of her crib in the morning and after naps, she is tricky to get to sleep at night, she doesn't like cheese anymore, loves playing with friends, just learned almost all the words to the "Star Spangled Banner," loves the Bailey's new kitty, doesn't like to clean up her room or playroom, loves doing homework but gets upset if I try to correct her, loves to paint with water colors, has to have a snack in bed at night (such an aweful habit that I need to break her of), wines alot, gets frustrated easily, likes to be in charge, still loves sippy cups (she's not attached to them, but she prefers her beverages in them), her water always has to have ice in it, loves burrios, can count to 50, is learning to read a few words, loves books still, brushes her own teeth, finally wakes up in the night if she has to go to the bathroom instead of holding it forever, and wants to have long hair. I'm sure there are a million more things I could say about Taeya but these were the things that popped into my head first. We love you so much Taeya, we are so grateful that Heavenly Father sent up to you. You are such a joy to us!