Taeya insisted on taking a few dressups. Kierra and Taeya did wear them for about 1/2 hour one afternoon, so i guess it wasn't totally pointless! She loved sitting on the back of the boat while we were driving -not so safe, but she sure looks cute in her Ariel costume.
She tried waterskiing again and earned her newest snuggly "sparkles." (a bear stuffed animal)
She got all ready and was excited and happy.
She got a little nervous when they took off, got up for a second and fell right down. We will blame it on Ryan the driver (it's always the drivers fault, right??) She skiied again the next day and popped right up stayed up for a while til they hit some rollers!
Despite the look on this Karsten's face he actually does smile and is so darn cute, but man is he stubborn when it comes to picture taking!
Taeya and Daddy were little buddies on this trip, probably because they are both fish. I love this picture of Taeya because this is her stance all the time!
My mom enjoyed this trip because it wasn't so darn hot! She didn't even get in the water, or put a swim suit on for that matter but we were glad to have her there and we sure love her!
Gordon took all the kids wakeboarding everyday, by all the kids I mean Taeya, Kierra, and Daylen. They all had a blast.
Gordon taking a turn with no kids - he looks pretty darn good for a 35 year old!
Kierra, Daylen, Taeya, Karsten and Kimball hanging out at the back of the boat!
Cute little naked bum!
One afternoon we went on a boat ride, it was probably the smoothest ride through the channel I will ever experience. We went and looked at the dam then headed to Antelope Point Marina for some ice cream. We enjoyed just hanging out and letting the kids play in the wading area.
Mom and Kimberly - so cute.
Taeya and Kierra, best little cousins.
Karsten and Daylen
Kimball, Taeya, Kierra, and Daylen - these kids played so well together the whole time.
Kimberly and Karsten
Me and Gord
Kent's boat leaving the Marina
Kristy and Daylen
Gordon wakeboarding with Kierra, look at the smile on her face.
Kimball - he loved wakeboarding, but spent most of the trip fishing!
Gordon and Daylen - Ryan forced Daylen to wakeboard with him and, as you can see, he wasn't too excited about it.
If you look close, you can see that Daylen still wasn't so excited about wakeboarding.
By the end he was smiling.
Me enjoying the lake!
Kimberly, Garrick, and Me (not sure where Ryan was?)
Garrick wakeboarding - why is it that boys can pick up this sport so easily, he did great!
Cute Taeya and Kierra again - they traded sunglasses and thought that was really cool.
Once again, this trip was so great! We loved it. I missed Anastyn and felt so bad that she wasn't very good for Mariel, but it really did make the trip much more relaxing to have her home. Thanks again Mariel, for watching Anastyn, and thanks to the rest of the family for a fun weekend!