This year we went from Wednesday, June 16th until Saturday, June 19th. Our original plans were for my mom and dad and my little to meet Kimberly's family in Page and just stay in a hotel each night. Thankfully Ryan and Kristy decided to join us and invited us to stay on their houseboat with them, which made for an ideal Lake Powell trip. We had such a great time, everything was so great. My only complaint was that the trip wasn't long enough!
Thankfully Kent and Kimberly brought their ski boat.

Ryan and Kristy our owners of this great houseboat: @powell.calm (very creative name I think)
Anastyn loved Kimberly - especially when she shared her cookie with her.
Gordon was El Capitan for a short drive.
Kimberly was holding "tex" while Gordon was in the water.
Handsome Kimball
My Little Family
Anastyn didn't love her jacket, but she was still her happy self.
We did a ton of wakeboarding.
Daylen popped up his first try, Gordon was so proud (you can see his excitement in the photo!)
Ryan watching the wakeboarders.
Taeya popped up her first try but only stayed up for a few seconds, she tried a second time with the same results. She didn't want to try again though. We were planning on going out the next day, but we ran out of time.
Gordon let her wakeboard on his back - she especially loved it when he "jumped."
Gord got a little more air without Taeya on his back.
Kimball was promised an i-pod if he got up and stayed up for at least 5 seconds. He quickly earned his i-pod and was hooked on wakeboarding from then on.
I even strapped the board on after a 2 year break (I was pregnant last year).
Ryan enjoying the water.
Gordon and Taeya - with Taeya standing on the board this time.
Gordon doing some more flips - he looks really good for an old man!
Me and Anastyn
Crazy Karsten - his hair looks awesome after a long boat ride.
Kristy invited her friend Marge to join us, it was her first trip to Lake Powell and it didn't disappoint. She was so helpful and fun, we were glad to have her with us.
Something about a swaying boat really relaxes the babies.
One hot man!
Sweet Kierra - she and Taeya had so much fun together. They are both Girly Girls and they love changing their clothes - maybe I should say "trading" clothes!
Silly Karsten - he is the funniest little man, it is impossible to get him to look at the camera.
Kenzly looking great in her snorkel gear. She was so great to play with the girls, we sure love her.
Kierra and Taeya - Taeya looks like she is about to perform some synchronized swimming.
It's a good thing Gordon doesn't mind cold water because Taeya always wanted to be swimming and Gordon was always willing to be with her. She would be shivering the whole time but she never complained.
Kent and Kimberly
This was the only time Anastyn really got in the water. She didn't seem to like it, it was a lot colder than the pool at swim lessons!
2 cute girls
My cute family again.
Kimball, Kent, Kimberly, Kenzly, Kimball, and Kierra
Ryan, Daylen and Kristy
What a fantastic Lake Powell trip. Kristy did an amazing job preparing all the food, and we really had a fun relaxing time. Hopefully we will get to go again real soon. (As a sidenote, I never got a great picture of my mom and dad - my mom doesn't like getting her picture taken, but they were with us and we enjoyed spending time with them).
Great post! Pictures are so cute too! As always...Gordon is Mr. Impressive!!!
Reading your words makes me love Lake Powell too! Wow, you are powerful!! Just time, I hope.
Made me feel like I was there! What an awesome post. Your kids are going to have some great memories!!
Looks like you guys had a great time! I miss you guys and think of you all the time!
Love your journaling and the pictures. Wish we were still there! Missed you all on the girls' trip too. Love you
I loved catching up with you! You are one busy girl. Glad you had so much fun!
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