Anastyn is 10 months old and so busy!
She has 7 (almost 8) teeth, she loves to eat, I nurse her in the morning and night, she dances, she sleeps through the night, she loves to climb anything she can, she plays peek-a-boo, she waves, she claps her hands, she says "ma" which we figured out means "more," she is very loved by all the family!
She loves reading he books, she turns the pages for me, and if she doesn't want to read the book she will throw it on the ground! We read every night before bed and she is often found playing in her books in her room.

She also getting really good at standing - hasn't dared to take a step yet, but she loves to stand. She can go from standing to sitting, back to standing all on her own. It's just a matter of time before she is running around!
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