Since I wrote 35 things about Gordon for his birthday, he thought he needed to write 31 things about me. This is what HE said not me!
1. Aging Like a Fine Wine
2. Seamstress
3. Scrapbooker
4. Mother
5. Primary Pianist Extraordinaire
6. Ice Cream Connoisseur
7. 10 Minute Work-Outer
8. Hair-Bender (1 day a week)
9. Taxi Driver
10. Texter, Texter, Texter
11. Jogging Stroller Pusher
12. X-Country Skiier Novice
13. Assistant Swim Coach
14. Sexy
15. Regular Naartjie Patron
16. Faithful
17. Blogger
18. Favorite Bed-time Story Reader
19. Gardener/Green Thumber
20. Maker of Beautiful Girls
21. Dessert Chef
22. Maid
23. Weeder
24. Shoe Obsessor
25. Milking Cow
26. Wishful Traveler
27. Amateur Photographer
28. Socialite
29. Headband Constructor
30. Puzzler
31. Sleep Deprived
Happy late Birthday Brand! I am awful. I hope you had a wonderful day. Your girls (and Gordon) are lucky to have you!
I love it! He's right.
I liked number 1, 7 and 15 !!! Happy Birthday!!!
I love this list brandy:) he certainly pays attention and knows you well. I love you guys and miss celebrating birthdays with you. I hope you get some sleep soon ;)
Happy birthday! Haha I love his list! Now go catch up on your sleep!
I love this list Gordon put together!! What a great idea!! He did a good job too!! It made me laugh. Awwe, he's so cute and thoughtful!! Happy Birthday.. AGAIN :)
Milker? That's sexy.
Happy late birthday! So good to see you for a split second yesterday. Your girls are so darling!!!
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