Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

Between traveling and getting ready for Christmas I feel like I have been running non-stop these past month few months, so Christmas eve we just relaxed and enjoyed being together as our "little" family.

On Christmas Eve we road trax up to Temple Square to see the lights and watch the Nativity. Gordon kept telling Taeya we were on the "Polar Express."
When we got home we opened our Christmas pajamas, made cheese Fondue, and watched "A Charlie Brown Christmas."After Taeya went to bed Gordon and I played cards and watched "The Grinch." It was a nice and quite Christmas Eve.


C Hall said...

Oh! It looks like Christmas! and you're all cozy--all 'rugged-up' as they say here.

I love you guys in your jammies :) I hope you're having some nice down time--you've been busy!