My sister Kimberly had a baby on December 3rd, 2008. His name is Karsten John Whitmer. Kimberly moved to Chandler, Arizona in September so the birth of Karsten gave Taeya and I an excuse to go and visit. Taeya had her first plane ride on December 9th, and we stayed for a whole week, so hopefully I was helpful. I would wake the kids up in the morning and feed them breakfast so Kimberly could get a little extra sleep in the mornings. I would also try to keep the house clean and do some laundry. We were able to go to Kenzly's choir performance, and Kimball's "Snowman" performance at the school, which was really fun. We both had a great time with the Whitmer family. The day before we left I asked Taeya if she was ready to go see dad and she said, "Not Yet!"
Taeya and Baby Karsten

Taeya and Kierra had so much fun together. They are both girly-girls, the only time we got them out of their "dress-ups" was when we left the house! As you can see from the picture, they are wearing their beautiful dresses. Kierra was so good to share all of her toys and dresses. Every once in a while she would need a little time away from Taeya. She would go in her room and lock the door. When you would ask her what was wrong she would say, "Taeya is giving me a headache!"

Both of the girls thought it was fun to pretend they were babies. I think Taeya would have taken the binki back for good if I would have let her!!
We even had some time to do a little Christmas shopping. These silly girls had fun trying on the hats.

One of the trips to Target!! (Taeya gets a little camera shy every once in a while).
Taeya, Kierra, and Kimball. Kierra is sad because it was a little to squishy in the basket for all three kids.
Thanks Kimberly for letting us come and break all of your Christmas Tree ornaments!! (Taeya just couldn't leave her tree alone).
Wow! I didn't realize Kimberly was even expecting! What a fun Christmas present--he's cute! Is Kierra as confident with the baby as Kenzly was with Kimball? I remember going over to scrapbook and Kenzly had gotten Kimball out of his crib all by herself! I think she was 3? Such beautiful kids! Tell Kimberly congrats! I guess I don't need to make her any bracelets this time :)
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