Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chocolate Milk?

Taeya loves dirt and mud.
You'd think she was drinking chocolate milk!


The Steel's said...

Oh sick, I can't believe that. I can't believe you just took a picture of her without stopping the madness! That's what a creative mom like you does! She would fit right in with Tate, that is hilarious. She looks dang cute with chocolate milk on her face! Still nasty!

Heats said...

HI! Sooo, I am still amazed she does this. When Jeremy was tending her she put a ton of dirt in her mouth right before Gordon picked her up and J was at a lose of words on how it happened till I explained it was a common occurance! Gotta Love her!

Berly said...

WOW!! Nicole loves the dirt, but I don't think she would eat it. I just can't believe that - Good for you to get a picture of it.