Saturday, August 3, 2013

Birthday Party

The week-end after we got home from California we threw together a fun birthday party for Taeya. We thought a water party would be perfect. It turned out great. We rented a blow-up slide and used our water slide as well. We had some snacks for the kids, played a few games, had cake and ice cream and a piniata and the party was complete!  It was a great party!
These are the cute friends Taeya made in 1st grade - Ella, Sabrina, Taeya, Ruby, and Jaynee 
Such cute girls.
The great thing about an outdoor water party was that we were able to invite everyone!  I think we might've had about 20 kids (yikes)! Emma Latham, Alayna, Kira, Annie and Bre Latham
We played a few games with shaving cream.  Taeya, Kira, and Ruby playing in the cream.
The kids all lined up for our water relay games.
Taeya getting the shaving cream sprayed off her face.
The inflatable we rented - it wasn't quite as big as we were hoping but the kids still had fun.
I have been a little lazy in my cake making recently.  This cake came from Costco.  We added the Barbie to make it look a little more custom!
Blowing out the candles.
All of the party guests.
Opening presents was a little crazy!  She got some great gifts, one of her favorite was a set of Monster High dolls.  Definitely a favorite of Taeya's right now.