Monday, April 8, 2013

Visit from Milligan's

The second half of spring break was spent with the Milligan's. We always have a great time with them around. We spent alot of time "hanging out" and eating! 

Heather, Noelle, Alyson, Lawni, me and Mindi - One night we went out with just the girls.  Brick oven and some shopping was on the list. 

Cade is so stinkin cute!  Beautiful mama too!

These cuties both had a loose front tooth.  Heather offered to pull out Brielles tooth, she grabbed it and pulled it right out.  Taeya got in line next and her tooth got pulled out right after.  These 2 were super excited and the tooth fairy was able to get 2 teeth in one night!

Technology is good and bad right?  Cute little Bryce man and Anastyn.
We went swimming at Jodi's house one afternoon.  Anastyn loves to swim.
Anastyn and I
Taeya, me and Anastyn
Bryce and Lawni
Alyson and Kira
Kira, Alyson and Alayna